Join Esper at the 2022 Spring CALEA Conference
Esper is thrilled to announce that we will be attending the 2022 Spring CALEA Conference on Wednesday March 30 through Friday April 2 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida.
Esper is thrilled to announce that we will be attending the 2022 Spring CALEA Conference on Wednesday March 30 through Friday April 2 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida.
Stop by Booth 17 at CALEA and say hello to Senior Account Executive Kate Symes, who worked closely with NYPD leadership and internal stakeholders on this exciting partnership. Be sure to sign up for our raffle, one lucky winner will receive a Butcher Box Variety Box which includes some NY Strip Steaks, Flat Iron Steaks and more!
We will be showcasing the exciting product features the New York City Police Department (NYPD) will have access to with Esper, as well as additional information on our purpose-built policymaking platform for public safety agencies.
With Esper, public safety agencies have one centralized location for policy research, drafting, review and publishing. In addition, read-only licenses can be issued for agency employees and law enforcement officers on the ground required to view and comply with these policies—which can be done from any device.
As the agency’s source of truth for all policy matters, Esper allows for real-time updates, version tracking and the review of historical policy changes and associated rulemakings.
After a policy has been drafted and reviewed by key stakeholders, Esper enables agencies to publish and house this policy within the product. Dashboards allow agency users—based on their permission settings—to access and track who has viewed a given policy and average time spent reading it. Esper can be configured to send user-wide notifications when policies are updated, create role-based training sets and track any policy infractions.
As the largest and second-oldest police department in the U.S., the NYPD maintains a procedural manual in excess of 3,000 pages that requires constant updating. NYPD partnered with Esper in December of 2021 to move these processes into the cloud, leveraging Esper’s purpose-built SaaS platform.
The NYPD had a multi-pronged agenda. First, they needed a centralized platform to draft and review policy and route it through the approval and clearance process. Second, they needed to publish these new and updated policies to their 50,000+ employees and track the reading of and compliance with those policies. Finally, the department’s goal is to achieve Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accreditation by building and maintaining modern, transparent and equitable policies for their employees.
This partnership tackles the NYPD’s immediate needs while also giving them a scalable and responsive platform to automate additional critical processes.
Interested in learning how Esper funding can streamline your agency’s policymaking operations? Our team of government experts can walk you through the Esper platform and answer any questions you may have. To get in touch with someone, please contact us here.